Sunday, June 14, 2009
Great Weekend
Vince, Jacob and I had a very much needed relaxing weekend together. Friday night we basically just lounged around the house cleaning up and watching T.V. It was fabulous. Jacob went to bed at his usual time and I think Vince and I both fell asleep before 10pm. That usually doesn't happen with me very much because unfortunately I am a night owl. I think I was worn out from the week and from the Friday ordeal. Earlier that morning I got a call from my dad saying that my mom wasn't doing too good and needed to go to the hospital. He rushed her over to the ER and they went ahead and admitted her because of her heart and breathing problems. She basically has been retaining fluid in her body and lungs and hasn't been able to get rid of it. The doctors all say this is typical after having heart surgery and that we shouldn't be concerned. Everything has checked out good and her heart is in great condition, actually better than before. So it's a good thing. They have kept her there until hopefully Monday or Tuesday and then she will get released. Yeah!!!
On Saturday, Vince and I cleaned up around the house some more and did some yard work. The grass really needed to be mowed because of all the rain we got during the week. And now it looks picture perfect. Sorry honey I didn't actually take a photo. I promise I will next time. Then the three us headed to the grocery store to buy food for the family cook-out that night. We invited over some of our dear friends', the Carriers and the Wylies. Both families have a 3-year old and they get along great. It was perfect because they entertained each other while the grown-ups got to chit chat and catch up with each other. It was so much fun. It was also really funny to see the boys playing and running around with each other because it gave Vince and I insight to what to expect when Jacob is closer to that age. We can't wait! After dinner we all hung out and watch baseball, college and professional. Too bad the Rangers didn't win. Jill made a dessert, peanut butter pie. She found the receipe on the Pioneer Woman's website and it was so good. Unfortunately I only had one slice, but it's okay I think if I had anymore I would have gained about 10 lbs. It was a great evening. Thanks to the Wylies and Carriers for coming over and hanging out with us. We really did enjoy it.
Sunday, again Vince, Jacob and I just hung around the house. Earlier I had bought Jacob two new toys, a basketball hoop and a baseball toy. He absolutely loves both of them. He immediately got the hang of the basketball hoop. I promise I will work on getting it on video real soon. It's super cute. He still has a little trouble with the baseball and the bat. He prefers to chew on each piece individually. But daddy is working on hitting with the left hand. I still don't understand why it's such a big deal to be left handend in the Major Leagues. If he sucks left handed it doesn't matter anyways, does it? Is there some special rule that if you are left handed and play baseball you are automatically drafted? If so, sign my kid up!!! Later that day we went to visit Mimi and Big Daddy at the hospital. She has been missing her little man and she desperately needed a fix. We stayed for about an hour before Jacob became too restless and needed his afternoon nap. It was nice to visit with them. Hopefully Mimi won't be in the hospital too long and we can come visit her at home.
All in all it was a great weekend. Too bad the week has to begin.

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